Arbitration is one of the linchpins of union power: the ability to have a binding, enforceable resolution to our challenges to employer actions. This webinar will cover both the nuts and bolts of arbitration – how an arbitrator is selected and how a hearing is conducted, time frames and costs for the process, and the finality of the arbitration award – as well as the politics behind this part of the union’s work – how a union decides which cases it will take to arbitration, including the legal considerations arising from the duty of fair representation (DFR).
The webinar will help sharpen the work of union members, leaders and staff who:
– want to be more effective in their grievance processing work, by understanding how to put in place the building blocks that will lead to a successful arbitration;
– conduct arbitration hearings, or who assist a local union lawyer or staff member who conducts hearings, by being more knowledgeable about how these cases are presented and argued;
– see that increasing the union’s success at arbitration is a path to forcing the employer to deal more seriously with grievances that the union pursues.
Michael Mauer has worked as an attorney with the National Labor Relations Board and in the AFSCME General Counsel's office, and as an attorney / negotiator with a number of unions, including serving as Director of Organizing and Services for the American Association of University Professors and Director of Collective Bargaining for SEIU. His publications include The Union Member’s Complete Guide, Welcome to the Union, and Academic Collective Bargaining. His faculty experience includes teaching in the labor studies programs at the AFL-CIO’s National Labor College, the University of Illinois, and Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
What have past attendees said about this webinar?
The best part of this workshop:
“Having a teacher who is both lawyer and laborer in mind and heart. The expertise alongside the fighting spirit was great!”
“Overall outstanding workshop”
“I really admire and truly appreciate him taking the time to provide us with his 30 years of wisdom. Thank you!”
"Immense knowledge from Michael! This was really incredible."
"Extremely informative, dense with information."
"The obvious in-depth knowledge of Mr. Mauer made each part of the presentation quite interesting."
When: October 24, 2024
Where: Zoom
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. (EST)
Cost: $40